If you want to dialogue with the product designer Linde Werdelin, Morten Linde (pictured with the brand's other founder, Jorn Werdelin), and learn more about the reality of this company that makes watches and sports instruments, there is now The Lab Blog, an interactive window for all admirers of the Danish brand. Updated regularly, The Lab seeks to inform all watch enthusiasts about everything that goes on behind the scenes at the company. From product conception, development, realisation and testing, Morten communicates all his ideas and is happy to accept suggestions and comments. Enriched with pictures of the team in Copenhagen, The Lab shows photos of the LW laboratory in Denmark, the designs and prototypes of the watches and instruments, but also extracts from the tests carried out by the specialised centres that Linde Werdelin relies on. The Lab shows not only the people in charge of quality control, but also all the smallest changes that allow the instruments to be continuously developed.