An emotional farewell - Eugenio Zigliotto

Eugenio Zigliotto e Dody Giussani
Eugenio Zigliotto and Dody Giussani

With great emotion, I would like to remember here a friend who has left us today: Eugenio Zigliotto, editor and publisher of the magazine Orologi da Polso. With Eugenio I shared countless business trips, press conferences, presentations, trade fairs... We were united by a great mutual esteem, which grew and cultivated over the years, and a liking shared with all our other colleagues. There wasn't a lunch or dinner with Eugenio that wasn't enlivened by his jokes, or his hilarious tales of a career spent in the world of engines and Formula 1 racing, before that in watchmaking. Always ready for a joke and willing to take a joke, with a personality out of the ordinary, he was a man who appreciated people of character like himself. Against the advice of most, he chose how to live, following his passions to the end. And I truly believe he never regretted it. We all loved him and will miss him. Bye Eugenio!
