Chapeau for IWCwhich is committed to defending the great wealth of species and the extraordinary and extremely delicate ecosystem (constantly under threat) of the Galapagos Islands. Indeed, it is one of the world's few remaining well-preserved tropical archipelagos, but was classified as an endangered system by UNESCO in 2007. The partnership with the Charles Darwin Foundation marks the beginning of a long-term collaboration that will see the Swiss House join the promoters and defenders of this jewel starting in 2009 (the year of the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth). The Charles Darwin Foundation is a non-profit association founded fifty years ago, which has employed over 100 scientists, students and volunteers who today carry out permanent field research on the Galapagos and carry out valuable persuasive work to reconcile ecology and economic interests. "The archipelago's extraordinary variety of flora and fauna is severely compromised," said IWC CEO Georges Kern in explaining the Swiss watchmaker's commitment. "If something as unique as the Galapagos is threatened, no one can remain indifferent, and we are proud to be able to support the magnificent work of the Charles Darwin Foundation."