Rolex continues to bring the legacy of its founder, Hans Wilsdorf, to life with its Perpetual Planet campaign, which aims to find solutions to environmental problems. There are three pillars on which it is based, such as the Mission Blue initiative of US oceanographer Sylvia Earle, a Rolex testimonial since 1982, which aims to develop a global network of marine areas, called Hope Spots, to be preserved for their biodiversity. The second pillar of the Perpetual Planet campaign is the National Geographic Society, Rolex's partner since 1954: together they have decided to plan a series of expeditions aimed at providing governments and local communities with crucial answers on the consequences of climate change in the most hostile places on the planet and to initiate concrete solutions. The first of the three expeditions, which ended in June 2019, made it possible to monitor the health of the Himalayan water system by combining the information collected with data on the actual availability of water in the region. The third and final point of the Perpetual Planet campaign is the strengthening of the partnership with the Rolex Awards for Enterprise, a coveted prize for those individuals whose projects - new or ongoing - work to improve people's lives or protect natural and cultural heritage. Winners receive important recognition and funds from the House to realise their project, as well as a Rolex chronometer and an international advertising campaign.