is born., an all-Italian online sales website for luxury products.
Among the partners of the new site is a name well-known to watch enthusiasts: Pisa Orologeria.
Through this showcase, Pisa will offer a potentially vast clientele the opportunity to access to high-end 'second wrist' or 'zero minutes' products without having to give up the guarantees that such a purchase requires.
A small revolution in Italy's complacent watch retailing scene. After all, Italian retailers have waited far too long to open a shop window on the web, where other players have already appropriated important slices of a market that does not always overlap with traditional watchmaking. It is about time that one of Italy's most famous shops opened the way to online sales of high-end watches, without preconceptions and with a tool that still guarantees security and exclusivity.
Security is given by the fact that all watches offered for sale through are evaluated and checked by the team of professionals at Pisa Orologieria, who guarantee the authenticity, originality and provenance of the products offered for sale. Exclusivity is guaranteed by the formula that underlies Shux's operation: 'How is different from the many existing players? The others make the quantity of members the business matrix, we focus on closed numbers and very high quality, on substance. This is the only way we can guarantee the exclusivity we promise,' says CEO Stefano Romor. Seven days is the duration of each sale and the time frame that the 300,000 members of Club Shux, called by invitation, will have to buy discounted premium brands selected only for them. went online today. We await developments.