Who knows whether that Rolex Rolex sported on the posters that littered Rome during the election campaign brought good luck to Renata Polverini, governor of Lazio? And who knows how casual or how studied was its placement in the foreground, in full view on the candidate's wrist. But it is not the only watch being talked about for 'political' reasons. Rumour has it, in fact, that there is another model that is depopulating in the ranks of Italian politics and, in particular, among the exponents of that right-wing culture that Gianfranco Fini wants to promote through his Farefuturo foundation. The rumour is that the two biggest admirers of the watch in question are Filippo Rossi (director of Farefuturo Web Magazine) and Alessandro Campi (scientific director of the Farefuturo foundation). What kind of watch is it? Here's where the fun comes, and the cards are revealed of a right-wing culture that is not at all inattentive to fashions and trends. Those expecting to see the 'Finians' sporting a status symbol will be surprised to discover on Rossi and Campi's wrists a digital watch with a transparent plastic case and bracelet in garish colours. It is called Hoops (www.hoopswatch.eu) and it even seems that the two have a habit of changing the model according to the colour of the shirt. However, Filippo Rossi wears it on the left: is this a message?