Festina - Golden sponsor of the '...To eat better' competition

In the year of Expo 2015, Festina embraces the theme of raising awareness of the importance of food and proper nutrition and participates as a Golden Sponsor in the competition "...To Eat Better", created by the TraccePerLaMeta Association in collaboration with the Ristoworld Italy Association and the Famiglia Artistica Milanese. Aimed at primary and middle school pupils, the competition, which ended last March, invited the children to submit a fairy tale, a recipe for typical local cuisine or up to two poems at class level. The aim was to involve young people through play in an initial reflection on valuable contemporary issues. The project will culminate on Tuesday 29 September at 3 p.m. with the prize-giving ceremony at the Auditorium Don Bosco in Via Melchiorre Gioia 48 in Milan, which will host the many participants. "We have made closeness to the territory one of the core values of our philosophy," says Ignazio De Lucia, General Manager of Festina's Italian subsidiary. "For years we have been present in the territory through multiple activities, in the year of Expo Milano 2015 we reinforce the message by sharing the concepts of education for a healthy diet and strongly supporting the need for a correct use of resources". The Festina logo, already present online at the site dedicated to the project www.favoledacucinare.com in the section reserved for sponsors and on the Facebook page, will also appear on the plaques and diplomas that will be awarded during the prize-giving ceremony. It is also planned that the logo will appear on the subsequent publication of three volumes: a boxed set that will collect the recipes, tales and poems that took part in the competition and that will be given as a gift to all the schools.
