Who has been at least once in Second Life, raise your hand!
I did, and I must sadly admit that I didn't get very far. Maybe it's mental laziness, but wasting an hour just to get my hair the right colour has dulled my enthusiasm...
However, I don't really know anyone in person who frequents this sort of virtual universe (maybe it's one of those things that everyone does, but no one confesses?). Instead, I'd love to have some first-hand opinions, especially now that watchmaking also seems to have discovered this world beyond the looking glass.
The first brand to build its headquarters on Second Life was Raymond Weil, followed by that volcano of activity that is Jean-Claude Biver, with his Hublot. It even seems that Biver's own avatar presented the Hublot island to the inhabitants of Second Life on 12 September. Too bad I found out too late: I could have shown up there with my wig set (I figured out how to put hair on your avatar, but not how to take it off!).
The question now is: who was there? Let us know what it was like!
I throw this 'message in the bottle' into the sea of the internet, hoping it will travel far enough to end up on an island in Second Life.
To everyone else I ask: what do you think?
For those who are not attracted to virtual worlds, virtual relationships, virtual money, I point out a fun link. The site getafirstlife.comfrom the height of its 6,553,628,382 members, addresses this kind of invitation to internet surfers: 'find out where you really live' and 'fornicate using your real genitals'. One might add: 'if you wish, buy a real watch'!